quinta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2009

Nicole Beltrame: promising gymnast

I am really getting excited about the National Championships as the competition comes close. I was browsing YouTube looking for videos of last year's competition and I found a video of a very promising gymnast: Nicole Beltrame.

The audio quality is not so great, but the video is worth watching. She is only 12 years old and can perform two D skills: double pike and 2.5 twist. I guess we can expect her to include a double tuck in her routine and probably connect the 1.5 twist with the front layout full. It looks like we will have a new gymnast to watch for the 2016 games (and hopefully they will be staged in Brazil).

3 comentários:

  1. Tbm acho q tem um futuro promissor essa ginasta... tão nova e se destacando tanto como infantil... entre as ginastas q competiram no último Nacional dessa categoria, a Nicole foi a única (acredito q tenha sido) a executar elementos d bom valor no solo... achei ótimas as outras provas dela tbm, não dava pra comparar com as outras competidoras... pareciam ginastas d diferentes níveis/categorias.
    Gymblog Brasil

  2. Pelo video parece que vai ser uma das revelações do ciclo pra londres.
